Immigration News

Daily Immigration News Clips – August 26, 2024

Aggregated local and national media coverage of major immigration law news stories being discussed throughout the U.S. on August 26, 2024.


Law 360 Afghan Supporters Say US Arbitrarily Delayed Parole Requests
By Gina Kim

New York Times Biden’s Asylum Restrictions Are Working as Predicted, and as Warned
By Hamed Aleaziz

Border Report Advocates decry Texas lawsuit to stop Biden’s ‘Parole in Place’ for immigrant families
By Sandra Sanchez

NBC News Vance dodges on whether Trump's immigration policy would lead to family separations
By Alexandra Marquez

New York Times On Immigration, Harris and Democrats Walk a Delicate — and Harder — Line
By Jazmine Ulloa, Zolan Kanno-Youngs

Washington Post Trump event at wall Obama built highlights an unkept promise
By Isaac Arnsdorf, Marianne LeVine and Erin Patrick O'Connor

The Guardian Anti-immigrant activists draft bill requiring US citizenship proof to vote
By Alice Herman

Associated Press Texas, other GOP-led states sue over program to give immigrant spouses of US citizens legal status
By Gisela Salomon, Valerie Gonzalez

Washington Post (Op-Ed) Trump’s deportation plan would be nearly impossible to implement
By Eduardo Porter


Arkansas Advocate Arkansas joins GOP suit to stop program protecting undocumented spouses from deportation
By Ariana Figueroa

Missouri Independent Trump promises mass deportations of undocumented people. How would that work?
By Ariana Figueroa

Tucson Sentinel Southern Az Rep. Ciscomani says comprehensive immigration reform not likely in Washington
By Jim Nintzel

Nebraska Examiner NE immigrant advocates prepare for possible workplace raids, active shooters, mass deportation
By Cindy Gonzalez

Wisconsin Examiner (Op-Ed) No toughness on immigration without fairness
By O. Ricardo Pimentel