Daily Immigration News Clips – September 27, 2024
CBS News Biden moving forward with plan to cement asylum restrictions at U.S.-Mexico border
By Camilo Montoya-Galvez
Stateline Changing demographics and the political calculus of anti-immigrant rhetoric in swing states
By Gloria Rebecca Gomez
Politico Harris to accuse Trump of ‘playing political games’ with immigration in border visit
By Myah Ward
New York Times Trump’s Plans Could Spur Inflation While Slowing Growth, Study Finds
By Alan Rappeport
Wall Street Journal Kamala Harris Heads to Border as Immigration Weighs on Arizona Hopes
By Michelle Hackman, Tarini Parti
NBC News With immigration weighing on her candidacy, Harris heads to the front lines
By Gabe Gutierrez
USA Today In case of loss, Republicans prepare to blame noncitizens voting − which is incredibly rare
By Sarah D. Wire
Documented The Organized, Well-Funded Strategy Behind the "Noncitizen Voting" Myth
NPR Migrants from around the world are trying to reach the U.S. via charter planes
By Emily Green
Forbes (Op-Ed) Mass Deportation Of Health Workers Would Put Patients At Risk
By Howard Gleckman
CBS Iowa Federal judge hears state's appeal to reinstate Iowa's immigration law
By Skylar Tallal
Texas Tribune Attorney General Ken Paxton targets El Paso nonprofit that offers legal services to migrants
By Alejandro Serrano
El Semanario (Op-Ed) The racism monster as an electoral tactic
By Maribel Hastings