Federal Court Litigation Section Quarterly Call (May 2024)

Federal Court Litigation Section Quarterly Call (May 2024)

Event Date: 05/08/2024
Format Length CLE Eligible
Zoom Webinar 60 min. No

Discovery in Immigration Litigation

Join the Federal Court Litigation Section for a brief overview of discovery in immigration-related litigation with the opportunity to hear from experienced practitioners and get their advice on your discovery questions. Topics include:

  • Types of discovery available
  • Using FOIA as a discovery tool
  • Responding to discovery from the government

(moderator) Kevin A. Gregg, AILA Federal Court Litigation Section Steering Committee, Coral Gables, FL

Brian Scott Green, AILA Benefits Litigation Committee Vice Chair/Amicus Committee, Littleton, CO

Matt Adams, Seattle, WA

The speaker's/author's views do not necessarily represent the views of AILA, nor do they constitute legal advice or representation. Practice tips provided are based on the speaker's/author's experiences and the current state of the law. Please be sure to conduct legal research and analysis for your unique situation as the law changes quickly and experiences may differ from your own.