Finding Self-Compassion and Freedom from the Inner Critic for Happiness, Productivity, and Resilience

Finding Self-Compassion and Freedom from the Inner Critic for Happiness, Productivity, and Resilience

Release Date: 05/03/2023
Recording Available 7-14 Days After Event Date
Format Length CLE Eligible
Video Roundtable 60 min. No

Research indicates self-compassion is the key to resilience and productivity, while a strong inner critic leads to procrastination, anxiety, and burnout. During this Lawyer Well-Being Week roundtable with Elizabeth Pyjov of Self-Compassion for Lawyers, we will look at the scientific roots of the inner critic: how it was created, what purpose it serves, and how we can transform its harsh judgments into wise discernments. Then we will dig into what self-compassion is scientifically and how it can become a daily practice.

Topics include:

  • Learn how self-compassion increases energy, ignites creativity, and helps protect immigration lawyers from burnout
  • Use psychological strategies, ancient wisdom, and meditation to break free from your harsh inner critic and find more constructive ways to think about the world

This roundtable is a part of Lawyer-Well Being Week brought to you by the Lawyer Well-Being Committee.

This roundtable is available only to AILA members and not CLE eligible. AILA University Video Roundtables are free learning opportunities for AILA members provided via a weekly schedule of live video programming for members to come together from across the country and world to discuss hot topics and network with colleagues in the field. Video Roundtables are part of AILA University programming and each session is hosted by faculty selected for their expertise.

Craig Dobson, Lawyer Well-Being Committee Vice-Chair, New York, NY

Ken Mayeaux, Lawyer Well-Being Committee, Baton Rouge, LA

Elizabeth Pyjov, Self-Compassion for Lawyers, New York, NY

The speaker's/author's views do not necessarily represent the views of AILA, nor do they constitute legal advice or representation. Practice tips provided are based on the speaker's/author's experiences and the current state of the law. Please be sure to conduct legal research and analysis for your unique situation as the law changes quickly and experiences may differ from your own.