Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Immigration System Reforms

3/20/13 AILA Doc. No. 13031447. Congress

On 03/20/13 at 2:00pm Eastern, Senator Coons (D-DE) will preside a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee titled: "Building an Immigration System Worthy of American Values.

AILA Statement to Senate Judiciary Committee for the hearing on "Building an Immigration System Worthy of American Values." (AILA Doc. No. 13032053.)

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Member Statement

Witness List:

Ahilan Arulanantham
Deputy Legal Director, ACLU of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

Michael Cutler
Senior Special Agent (Ret.), Immigration and Naturalization Service
New York, NY

Professor Paul Grussendorf
Retired Immigration Judge, Shepherdstown, WV

Jan C. Ting
Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law
Philadelphia, PA

Pamela Stampp, Esq.
Attorney, Castro Law Firm
Wilmington, DE