Testimony on State and Local Impact of Immigration before the House Immigration Subcommittee

5/17/07 AILA Doc. No. 07072063. Congress

On 5/17/07, the Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law of the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on "Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Impact of Immigration on States and Localities." Testimony presented at the hearing is available below:

Panel I:

Testimony of the Honorable Sharon Tomiko Santos, Washington State House of Representatives, National Conference of State Legislatures

Testimony of the Honorable Dennis Zine, Councilman, City of Los Angeles, National League of Cities

Testimony of Stephen Appold Ph.D., Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Testimony of the Honorable John Andrews, Former President of the Colorado State Senate

Panel II:

Testimony of Audrey Singer Ph.D., Immigration Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Program, the Brookings Institution

Testimony of Anne Morrison Piehl Ph.D., Department of Economics & Program in Criminal Justice, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Testimony of Deborah A. Santiago Ph.D., Vice President for Policy and Research, Excelencia in Education

Testimony of Robert Rector, Senior Research Fellow, the Heritage Foundation