Recent AILA Press Releases

Featured Press Release
AILA President: SCOTUS Overturning “Chevron” Doctrine Will Impact Immigration Cases
AILA President Kelli Stump responded to today’s SCOTUS ruling overturning the “Chevron” doctrine, noting that while “the Loper Bright and Relentless cases had nothing to do with immigration law” the decision “will have a significant impact on many immigration adjudications.”
Featured Press Release
AILA Executive Director Welcomes Administration’s Moves to Protect Haitians in the United States
AILA ED Ben Johnson welcomed news that the Biden Administration will redesignate and extend TPS for Haitian nationals and offer hardship work authorization for Haitian students, stating, “This is exactly what U.S. leadership should look like when confronting a humanitarian crisis of this magnitude.”

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251 - 275 of 540 collection items
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA Supports House Introduction of the “Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act”

AILA commends the introduction of the “Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act” in the House; the bill is companion legislation to a Senate bill intended to help address the critical healthcare shortage in the United States, a weakness that has been evident during the COVID-19 national emergency.

5/8/20 AILA Doc. No. 20050835. Physicians & Healthcare
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Complaint Details ICE’s Failure to Protect Those in Its Custody Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Immigration Justice Campaign Director Karen Lucas and National Advocacy Counsel Katie Shepherd detail why ICE’s failure to protect those in its custody during the COVID-19 pandemic demands immediate oversight by DHS.

5/7/20 AILA Doc. No. 20050737. Detention & Bond, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

New Documents Reveal Immigration Judge Hiring Plan Designed to Stack the Courts, Prioritize Politics Over Justice

AILA Executive Director Benjamin Johnson and American Immigration Council Executive Director Beth Werlin react to documents obtained by the organizations via FOIA revealing DOJ Executive Office for Immigration Review’s updated hiring plan for Immigration Judges and Appellate Immigration Judges.

5/4/20 AILA Doc. No. 20050441. Asylum, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Ninth Circuit Panel Prevents Trump Administration from Implementing Health Care Ban

AILA and our partners welcomed the Ninth Circuit 2-1 panel decision today to refuse the federal government a stay pending appeal of the preliminary nationwide injunction in Doe v. Trump; the government had sought a stay of the injunction granted by the U.S. District Court in Portland, OR.

5/4/20 AILA Doc. No. 20050443.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA Supports the “Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act”

AILA welcomes the announcement by Senators Perdue, Durbin, Young, and Coons that they will introduce bipartisan legislation which would help address the critical healthcare shortage in the United States, a weakness that has been evident during the COVID-19 national emergency.

4/30/20 AILA Doc. No. 20043033. Physicians & Healthcare
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Plaintiffs Will Continue Fight to Halt Dangerous and Unconstitutional Practices by EOIR and ICE

The decision denying the emergency TRO in NIPNLG, et al., v. EOIR, et al., is deeply disappointing; the lawsuit against EOIR and ICE was brought to protect the health of attorneys, immigrants, and the public from the impact of dangerous and unconstitutional policies.

4/28/20 AILA Doc. No. 20042800. Asylum, Detention & Bond, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Civil Rights Coalition Files Emergency Motion to Halt Implementation of President Trump’s Immigration Ban

Litigators from the Justice Action Center, AILA, and Innovation Law Lab are filing an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO) on the Trump Administration’s recent immigration ban; the TRO would protect underage children protected under Doe v. Trump.

4/25/20 AILA Doc. No. 20042501.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

President Focuses on Irrational Policy Instead of Choosing to Strengthen America

AILA denounced President Trump’s decision to temporarily block access to immigrant visas with some exceptions, with AILA President Marketa Lindt noting, “We don’t need to suspend immigration, we need to strengthen and improve our immigration system to respond to the challenges of our times.”

4/23/20 AILA Doc. No. 20042335.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA Urges Rational Response on COVID-19 and Immigration Policy; Condemns Divisive Presidential Tweet to Suspend Immigration

AILA responds to President Trump’s tweet announcing his plan to suspend immigration by urging the White House and agencies to implement rational, policy-based measures that promote the public health and economic interests of our country rather than resort to distraction and political theater.

4/21/20 AILA Doc. No. 20042106.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Class Action Lawsuit Seeks to Challenge USCIS’s Unlawful Denial of H-1B Petitions Filed by American Businesses

AILA joined the Council and the law firms Van Der Hout, LLP, Joseph & Hall P.C., and Kuck Baxter Immigration LLC in filing a nationwide class action lawsuit today challenging USCIS’s pattern and practice of arbitrarily denying H-1B petitions for market research analysts positions.

4/16/20 AILA Doc. No. 20041635. Business Immigration, H-1B & H-1B1 Specialty Occupation
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Temporary Restraining Order Requested to Stop Dangerous EOIR and ICE Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

AILA and our partners moved for an emergency Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against EOIR and ICE to protect the health of immigration attorneys, immigrants, and the public from the impact of dangerous and unconstitutional policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

4/8/20 AILA Doc. No. 20040831. Asylum, Detention & Bond, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA Files Lawsuit Against USCIS Seeking Maintenance of Status for Nonimmigrants, Extended Immigration Benefit Deadlines

AILA Director of Federal Litigation Jesse Bless and AILA President Marketa Lindt detail the importance of AILA’s complaint against USCIS seeking the immediate suspension of immigration benefit deadlines and the maintenance of status for nonimmigrants in the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

4/3/20 AILA Doc. No. 20040331.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Lawsuit Seeks Halt to Dangerous and Unconstitutional Policies Endangering Immigration Attorneys, Clients, and the Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In a lawsuit filed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, AILA and our partners demanded that DOJ EOIR and ICE take immediate necessary actions to prioritize the health and safety of attorneys and clients at risk from the COVID-19 pandemic.

3/30/20 AILA Doc. No. 20033090. Detention & Bond, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Citing Coronavirus Risks and a New Irresponsible Policy for Immigration Courts, Groups Urge Protecting the Health and Safety of Government Employees,

AILA and the American Immigration Council, with over 100 other organizations, sent a letter to EOIR and ICE calling for the prioritization of the health and safety of government employees, detained individuals, and their legal representatives amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

3/23/20 AILA Doc. No. 20032331. Asylum, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Immigration Judges, Prosecutors, and Attorneys Renew Call for Immediate Closure of All Immigration Courts

AILA, NAIJ, and AFGE #511 (ICE Professionals Union) all say that it is urgent for the public’s safety that DOJ immediately close all 68 immigration courts operated by EOIR. AILA's Second Vice President Jeremy McKinney states, “All live in-person hearings need to be immediately suspended.“

3/22/20 AILA Doc. No. 20032200. Asylum, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Lawsuit Seeks to Uncover Problematic Board of Immigration Appeals’ Hiring Procedures

AILA and the Council filed federal litigation on March 17, 2020, to compel DOJ to release records about the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s hiring procedures for appellate immigration judges and Board of Immigration Appeals members.

3/19/20 AILA Doc. No. 20031937. Asylum, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

New Rule Seems Designed to Halt Valid Immigration Court Petitions By Drastically Hiking Fees

AILA expressed serious concerns about a new proposed rule that would detrimentally impact individuals seeking a fair day in immigration court by drastically increasing fees required for forms submitted to EOIR.

2/28/20 AILA Doc. No. 20022800. Asylum, Removal & Relief
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Ninth Circuit Defends Asylum in Two Rulings

AILA welcomed two Ninth Circuit decisions; one again halts the “Migrant Protection Protocols,” and the second ensures that the administration cannot block someone from seeking asylum solely due to where they presented themselves, either at a port of entry or elsewhere within the United States.

2/28/20 AILA Doc. No. 20022838. Asylum
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Bipartisan Legislation Underscores Need for Transparency and Accountability Within USCIS

AILA welcomes the Case Backlog and Transparency Act of 2020 introduced in the House to hold USCIS accountable for severe case processing delays and an ever-growing immigration backlog.

2/26/20 AILA Doc. No. 20022637.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA, NALEO Educational Fund, and the National Partnership for New Americans Assist Aspiring Citizens Through Citizenship Day Events

AILA, NALEO Educational Fund, and the National Partnership for New Americans, are proud to sponsor the dozens of naturalization clinics in cities and towns across the country as part of the 14th AILA Citizenship Day, taking place on Saturday, February 1, 2020.

1/31/20 AILA Doc. No. 20013131. Naturalization & Citizenship
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA Condemns Trump Administration’s Expansion of Discriminatory Travel Ban

AILA leadership condemned the Trump administration’s expansion of its travel ban to include nationals from Burma (Myanmar), Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan , Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania.

1/31/20 AILA Doc. No. 20013136. Admissions & Border
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

New Trump Administration Policy Attempts to Turn Consular Officers into Pregnancy Police and Creates a Back-Door Health Care Ban

AILA Executive Director Benjamin Johnson details several concerns with the new “birth tourism” rule and notes, “Given the limited information provided in the rule and the failure to provide sufficient notice and comment to the public, litigation is almost certainly on the horizon.”

1/30/20 AILA Doc. No. 20013037. Consular Processing
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

AILA Disappointed in Supreme Court Stay of Injunction of Public Charge Rule

AILA expressed disappointment and concern at the 5-4 Supreme Court decision to stay the current nationwide injunction of the “public charge” rule. The administration can now, temporarily at least, implement the Public Charge Final Rule everywhere but Illinois, while underlying litigation continues.

1/27/20 AILA Doc. No. 20012705.
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Civil Rights Coalition Successfully Blocks Trump Administration’s Latest Attempt to Implement Health Care Ban

AILA and our litigation partners welcomed the Ninth Circuit’s 2-1 decision to refuse the federal government an administrative stay pending appeal of the preliminary nationwide injunction in Doe v. Trump.

12/20/19 AILA Doc. No. 19122061. Consular Processing
AILA Public Statements, Press Releases

Bipartisan Bill Brings Needs of Farmworkers and Farmers to the Forefront

AILA President Marketa Lindt and AILA Executive Director Ben Johnson respond to the passage of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act (H.R. 5038) in the U.S. House of Representatives.