AILA Public Statements, Correspondence

Sign-On Letter to Appropriators to Reject Reprogramming Requests Made By DHS

6/27/18 AILA Doc. No. 18062736. Detention & Bond, Removal & Relief

There are many reports of DHS's efforts to construct new detention camps and jails to detain tens of thousands of children and families in addition to the more than 40,000 already detained each day. AILA and 11 other coalition partners delivered a letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, urging them to reject the transfer and/or reprogramming of funds DHS will need to realize these plans. The letter places the question of funds in the context of the ongoing abuses committed inside DHS's detention system, such as family separation, and outlines DHS's recent history of overspending and documented violations of congressionally imposed transparency and accountability obligations.

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 18062736.