FR Regulations & Notices

EOIR Final Rule Expanding the Size of the Board of Immigration Appeals

4/2/24 AILA Doc. No. 24040175. Removal & Relief
EOIR published a final rule that expands the size of the BIA by adding five additional Board members, expanding the Board to 28 members. This rule is effective on April 2, 2024. (89 FR 22630, 4/2/24)

The rule states that, 

On April 1, 2020, the Department of Justice (‘‘the Department’’ or ‘‘DOJ’’) published an interim final rule (‘‘IFR’’) with request for comments that amended its regulations relating to the organization of the Board of Immigration Appeals (‘‘Board’’) by adding two Board member positions, thereby expanding the Board to 23 members. This final rule responds to comments received and adds five additional Board member positions, thereby expanding the Board to 28 members. The final rule also clarifies that temporary Board members serve renewable terms of up to six months and that temporary Board members are appointed by the Attorney General.  


Executive Office for Immigration Review 

8 CFR Part 1003 

[EOIR Docket No. EOIR 20–0010; A.G. Order 

No. 5912–2024] 

RIN 1125–AB00 

Expanding the Size of the Board of Immigration Appeals 

AGENCY: Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of Justice. 

ACTION: Final rule. 

Cite as AILA Doc. No. 24040175.