Immigration law is an integral part of America’s past, present, and future.

Blog: Think Immigration

We believe that immigration law is an integral part of America’s past, present and future. We also know that immigration law is complicated. Here you’ll find experts writing in an accessible way about immigration issues, from big, broad ideas down to specific cases. Our members bring knowledge they’ve gleaned from the daily practice of immigration law to this space and offer their expertise to readers.

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276 - 300 of 1,212 collection items

Sometimes You Just Have to Take ‘Em to Court

AILA First Vice President Jeremy McKinney describes his first foray into litigation, and what tools and resources can help AILA members litigate and win cases, writing that litigation “can benefit your clients, it can benefit the immigration bar, and ultimately, it can benefit everyone.“


How To: Take Cases to Immigration Court

AILA Immigration Courts Conference Chair Michael Vastine shares insights on how AILA members can prepare themselves for immigration court, offering insights into the need to be “uniformly prepared, comprehensively trained, and conditioned to assertively and persuasively defend.“


USCIS to Congress: “Give Us $1.2 Billion,” But Does the Data Pass the Sniff Test?

In this blog post, members of AILA New England highlight the many questions about how USCIS has engendered a deficit requiring a congressional bailout and raises concerns about the need for data transparency and accountability.

AILA Announcements, AILA Blog

The Year Ahead

AILA President Jennifer Minear looks forward to the year ahead during her installation speech and calls on all of us to “push ahead, sure in our cause, guided by the strength of our convictions, and buoyed by the support of this AILA community.“


The View from the Chair

In recognition of the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and acknowledgment that there is still much work to be done, AILA republishes, with permission, a piece from Diversity & Inclusion Committee member Caroline Ostrom on avoiding reinforcing the social perceptions around disabilities.

AILA Announcements, AILA Blog

Reflections on a Year to Remember

This blog post is the published transcript of the year-end speech given by Immediate Past President Marketa Lindt during AILA's Virtual Annual Conference on July 20, 2020.


An Even Rougher Version of the RAISE Act?

AILA Member John Manley compares the provisions in the RAISE Act (which Congress failed to pass) and the executive actions being taken by the Trump administration during the COVID-19 pandemic and notices some similarities.


Fighting for Freedom from Detention During COVID-19

National Advocacy Counsel Katie Shepherd of the Immigration Justice Campaign shares the recent work with pro bono counsel Gibson Dunn that aims to free immigrants from the appalling conditions at Joe Corley detention facility.

7/13/20 Asylum

The Administration is Weaponizing COVID-19 to End Immigration

AILA Past President Ira Kurzban details how the Trump Administration has weaponized the COVID-19 pandemic to implement long-sought immigration policies, banning immigrants and non-immigrants alike.


During the Pandemic, We Need H-2A Temporary Workers More Than Ever

In this blog post, AILA law student member Maria Jaramillo highlights the indispensable workers who come to the U.S. on H-2A visas and ensure the U.S. food supply continues, and how employers need to step up and protect them during the pandemic.


USCIS Hypocrisy Reaches New Levels

Asylum experts Dree Collopy and Lindsay Harris highlight the ways in which asylum adjudication inefficiencies have contributed to USCIS' $1.2 billion budget shortfall and urge that Congress hold USCIS accountable, linking to AILA's Take Action on the issue that members of the public can easily use.

6/30/20 Asylum

Reuniting Mirna’s Family Despite the Immigration Ban

In this blog post, Michael Eatroff shares Mirna's story; she was one of the plaintiffs in the litigation filed by AILA, Justice Action Center, Innovation Law Lab, with pro bono counsel Mayer Brown to protect children from aging out under the April 22 Proclamation.


Stooping to A New Low – USCIS Statement Throws Constitution Out the Window

AILA Member Matt Maiona highlights a recent outrageous USCIS statement in response to the SCOTUS DACA ruling, which showcases the dire need for agency reform, writing, “Perhaps now more than ever, government institutions must strive to restore the faith of Americans in the integrity of government.&#

6/25/20 DACA

Tools of the (Immigration Law) Trade

In this blog post, AILA past president Kathleen Campbell Walker reflects on her path into immigration law, the complicated nature of the field, and some of the reasons she reads and re-reads the INA/CFR.


How Do We Respond to the George Floyd Tragedy?

AILA member Paschal O. Nwokocha calls on all immigration attorneys to take concrete steps to address racism and injustice, writing “We cannot be patient anymore; we cannot wait for racial inequality and injustice to recede. We must be involved actors in the future we seek.“


Fight Back Against Chevron Deference in Asylum and Withholding Cases

In this blog post, AILA member Maureen Sweeney previews her AILA Law Journal article and describes several factors litigators can argue weigh against applying Chevron in asylum and withholding cases “and in favor of robust judicial review of BIA and AG decisions.“

AILA Announcements, AILA Blog

Recognizing the Commonality of Our Struggles

AILA Website Editorial Manager Kritika Argawal shares insights about the civil rights movement's impact on immigrants and how we must “recognize the commonality of our struggles with the struggles of Black Americans and take concrete steps to support their fight against racism and injustice.“


Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $1 Billion Dollars Without Changes at USCIS

AILA Director of Government Relations Sharvari Dalal-Dheini shares insights from her time at USCIS related to the agency's request to Congress for $1.2 billion, and urges Congress to “ensure that the agency is transparent about its spending, accountable for its inefficiencies, and on track towards f

AILA Announcements, AILA Blog

Where We Are and Where We Need to Be: LaJuan’s Story

In this blog post, AILA Customer Services Manager LaJuan Campbell shares the experience she has had with racism and injustice and the difficult conversations it forced her to have with her son Dominick about America's societal prejudices and how he could stay as safe as possible.


#BlackLivesMatter – Perspectives from the AILA Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The AILA Diversity and Inclusion Committee is deeply saddened by the recent unjust and tragic police killings of Black Americans and we stand in solidarity for the demands for justice and accountability. This blog post includes four member perspectives and calls for change.

AILA Announcements, AILA Blog

Are We Still Here?

As part of AILA's internal reflection during this time, staff were invited to share perspectives and experiences relating to America's divisive and unjust past, the current situation, and our commitment to a better future. In this blog post, we welcome these insights from Joy Hardy.


Insights on the Impact of COVID-19 in the International Tax Sphere

AILA member Patrick McCormick reviews some of the alterations to Internal Revenue Service policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they could impact multinationals in particular, noting however “we all realize that guidance related to COVD-19 is evolving,“


Practicing Immigration Law in the COVID-19 Era – Post 13

AILA Member Kevin Gregg shares his experience during COVID-19 thus far, including the fact that with the time freed up from less travel and commuting, he has started a podcast on precedential immigration decisions.


Who Creates American Jobs?

In response to rumored plans by the administration to tighten nonimmigrant visas, AILA member Doug Penn shares the impact one of his clients has had creating American jobs while in the U.S. on a nonimmigrant visa and why the administration should not block these job creators from the U.S.


Litigation Works for Clients

AILA Past President Chuck Kuck highlights the H-1B class action litigation and renews the call for plaintiffs, noting “The only way to stop USCIS from continuing to rewrite immigration law through RFE and denial is to challenge them boldly, fiercely, and publicly in the federal courts.“