Immigration law is an integral part of America’s past, present, and future.

Blog: Think Immigration

We believe that immigration law is an integral part of America’s past, present and future. We also know that immigration law is complicated. Here you’ll find experts writing in an accessible way about immigration issues, from big, broad ideas down to specific cases. Our members bring knowledge they’ve gleaned from the daily practice of immigration law to this space and offer their expertise to readers.

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201 - 225 of 1,244 collection items

Custody Redetermination Hearings and Material Change in Circumstances

AILA Law Journal author Matthew Boles shares some insights about researching and writing about custody redetermination and why he hopes his AILA Law Journal article on the subject can help other practitioners across the country advocate in front of immigration judges.

12/30/21 Removal & Relief

Top Five AILA Video Topics and Think Immigration Posts in 2021

In this blog post, the AILA Comms Team takes a look back at the most popular video topics of 2021 as well as the most popular blog posts, spanning topics from immigration reform in the reconciliation bill to litigation updates, to backlogs and needed policy changes as we head into 2022.


The Civil Penalty of Deportation

In this video blog post, AILA law student member and AILA Law Journal author Angela Landa describes her interest and research into how the supposedly “civil“ penalty of deportation has been applied in the criminal context and how changes could be made to ensure due process.


Self-care: The Ultimate Advocacy Tool

In this blog post, AILA Media and Advocacy Committee member Tahmina Watson emphasizes the importance of self-care as we prepare to advocate in 2022 for the immigration reform our country and clients need.


75 Years of Friendships, Education, and Community

In this blog post, part of a months-long series leading up to the formal celebration of AILA's 75th year at the upcoming Annual Conference in June, 2022, three AILA members reflect on what AILA has brought to their lives and livelihoods, including friendships, professional successes, and community.


The Costanza High Note Walk Off and a Happy Festivus!

In this blog post, AILA's first director of federal litigation, Jesse Bless, reflects on the battles fought and partnerships forged during his service at AILA.


Legislation to Protect Dreamers is Vital

AILA member Paúl A. Pirela shares insights about his work for the AILA Law Journal article he authored on the history of DACA and DREAM litigation as well as the legislation which has sadly languished for decades now and means young people brought to the U.S. as children can still face deportation.

12/16/21 DACA

Tackling Inequality – a Human Rights Day Reflection

In this blog post, part of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee's blog post series, AILA member Roland Luo shares insights about the importance of International Human Rights Day and what we can each do to give meaning to the universality of human rights.


The Plight of International Adoptees

The plight of international adoptees, many of whom can still face deportation led AILA member Mara Weisman to write a piece for the Fall 2021 edition of the AILA Law Journal; in this video blog post she shares insights about why this issue is important and how readers can help fight this injustice.


Writing about that Department of State Automatic Revalidation Process

AILA member Peter Choi shares insights after writing an article for the Fall 2021 edition of the AILA Law Journal entitled Examining Automatic Revalidation; in this video blog post he explains a bit more about how he used's trove of documents researching his piece.


Family Separations that First Occurred Under the Trump Muslim and Africa Bans Continue

In this blog post, AILA Media Advocacy Committee members Roujin Mozaffarimehr and Ally Bolour share insights about the lack of action to reunite families since the Muslim ban was rescinded nearly a year ago and the continued damage caused by discriminatory bans.


Four Members’ Reflections on AILA’s 75 Years

In this blog post, part of a months-long series leading up to the formal celebration of AILA's 75th year at the upcoming Annual Conference in June, 2022, four AILA members reflect on what they see as AILA's greatest strengths and the relationships they've built during their membership of AILA.


A Little about that “Einstein” Visa

In this blog post, AILA Law Journal author Sasha Kaskel shares some insights about the “Einstein“ visa and how immigration attorneys might approach client cases; AILA members can read her full article and other pieces in their free digital copy of the journal.


Our Nation’s First People

AILA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee member Christine Alden reflects on the meaning of Native American Heritage month and urges readers to learn more in order to “help protect and preserve this important culture.“


No More Sleeps ‘til the End of the Travel Ban

As many fully vaccinated grandparents finally get to travel to see grandkids this week after months-long separations, AILA member Fiona McEntee welcomes the reunions while also urging continued advocacy to help other families reunite.


Breaking Down the Invisible Wall: It’s Past Due!

AILA member Mo Goldman shares a recent example of how the antiquated systems at USCIS Customer Service caused concern and wasted time as he sought to help a client and offers ideas of how to increase efficiency.


Leading AILA: Beyond our 75th Year

AILA President Allen Orr reflects on what it means to be AILA's president in this 75th year and highlights some fun ways to remember some key milestones and share your own fond memories of AILA this year.


The Fruits of our Afghan Labor Have Arrived

Author Joyce Brake shares insights from her recent pro bono work with Afghan evacuees and helping them find their footing in the new situation they are in; she urges readers to reach out and do the same.


Process Work Authorizations If You Want More Workers!

AILA Media Advocacy Committee Member Emily Haverkamp highlights the huge obstacles facing asylum seekers seeking work permits while their asylum request is being processed, noting the impact of bad policies on the asylum seekers but also employers seeking workers.

10/21/21 Asylum

Afghanistan and the United States’ Responsibilities

AILA member Manish Daftari shares insights into the situation facing those fleeing from Afghanistan and the urgent need to simplify processing of vulnerable Afghan evacuees, similar to the treatment of Vietnamese evacuees in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.

10/6/21 Asylum

“Thank You, Next”: What the State Department Needs to Do Since Travel Bans Are Being Rescinded

AILA Policy Associate Paul Stern welcomes the rescission of the regional travel bans that will take effect in November but urges additional changes recommended by AILA because “The Department of State faces an uphill battle to overcome the significant delays and backlog created by the pandemic.̶


Curbing Entropy in my Practice – Life Lessons About Matters Pending Before the Service

In this blog post, AILA member Vaman Kidambi shares common concerns immigration attorneys and their clients deal with as they wait because of USCIS processing delays and highlights some of the AILA recommended solutions that could effect change.


Helping Afghan Refugees Brings Me Full Circle

In this blog post, AILA member Spojmie Nasiri shares insights and information about the situation facing Afghan evacuees and how we can help. She was interviewed by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair Ban Al-Wardi.

9/27/21 Asylum

Somos – Razones Para Celebrar; We are – Reasons to Celebrate

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee member Ruben Reyes shares his story and perspective on the discussion around National Hispanic Heritage Month and invites readers to learn from and listen to each other, writing “This is an American story, and it is ours to live.“


We Know Litigation Works, But How Do You Get Started?

In this blog post, expert litigator and past AILA president Ron Klasko gives a few examples of cases that could benefit from litigation, and highlights the upcoming Federal Court Conference as a chance to learn skills to help your clients.