Blog: Think Immigration
We believe that immigration law is an integral part of America’s past, present and future. We also know that immigration law is complicated. Here you’ll find experts writing in an accessible way about immigration issues, from big, broad ideas down to specific cases. Our members bring knowledge they’ve gleaned from the daily practice of immigration law to this space and offer their expertise to readers.
Browse the Blog: Think Immigration collection
Immigration Reform Can Protect Our “Golden Years” from the “Silver Tsunami”
As America's population ages and the economy faces the “Silver Tsunami,“ AILA member Aaron Kochenderfer reflects on immigration reform that could help offset coming workforce challenges and help ensure our “Golden Years“ are prosperous.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation (or the Economic Impact of Immigrants)
AILA Media Advo Committee Member Anthony Pawelski shares some key insights into the economic benefits of immigrants in New England states, and how the data shows how our “nation immensely benefit from our immigrant population“ using data from the American Immigration Council's Map the Impact t
A New Way to Offer Immigration Law Expertise to Service Members
Margaret Stock describes the immigration concerns facing many service members and how the new Morgan Lewis Military Immigration Fellow Joanna Kloet will be able to offer help hand in hand with volunteer attorneys assisting via the AILA Military Assistance Program (MAP) effort.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Digging into the Ombudsman’s Take on the USCIS Backlog
AILA's Paul Stern digs into the recently released USCIS Ombudsman's Report which highlights continued backlogs and processing delays, urging readers to take action to help “ensure the agency has the resources needed to chart a course forward where progress is not just a promise, but a reality.“
The Immigration and Nationality Act’s Lost Appellate Rights Warnings
AILA Law Journal author Christopher Boom shares some insights into his recent article, noting that “Taking away appellate rights from noncitizens for not going to their hearings without warning them of this possibility first“ is unjust and contrary to the will of Congress.
State Courts Affect Applications for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
AILA Law Journal author Madelyn Cox-Guerra shares a bit about her recent article which focused on state court treatment of families as it relates to children seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status; she hopes the article will spur more research and advocacy.
The PERM Process in the New Age of Remote Work
AILA Law Journal authors Da'Niel Rowan and Eddie Corona share some highlights from their article in the Spring 2023 edition of the journal, noting that outdated regulations aren't meeting the needs of employers and employees given the shift toward remote work.
DACA: Failure is Not an Option!
AILA Past President Victor Nieblas Pradis highlights the contributions DACA recipients have made over the last 11 years since the program's inception and why Congress cannot and must not fail to take action and protect them permanently.
Worksite Ambiguity in the Rise of Work from Home
AILA Law Journal author Bill Stock describes the rise in work-from-home arrangements which has “exposed the shortcomings of existing immigration regulations and the lack of specific guidance from federal agencies“ and urges change; read more about this and other issues in the Spring 2023 editi
The Unchanging H-1B Cap in a Changed Country
Adam Cohen delves into the H-1B visa program, from its inception to the latest registration process debacle, and calls on Congress and the Biden administration to improve the program and adapt it to meet the needs of the U.S. economy now, not the market of more than a generation ago.
A Pragmatic Solution for Climate Refugees
AILA Law Journal author Evan Patton shared some insights from his recent article published in the May 2023 edition, titled “Towards a Pragmatic Solution for Climate Refugees Under Environmental, Human Rights, and Immigration regimes.“
Public Charge and Political Posturing
AILA member Jeremy Weber describes the harmful effect of the Senate-passed resolution aiming to rescind the 2022 public charge rule, noting that AILA will urge President Biden to follow through on his promise to veto the measure if it passes the House.
Help Make a Difference: In-Person and Remote Pro Bono at #AILAAC23
AILA's Senior Pro Bono Associate Erin Lynum describes the pro bono opportunities at AILA's upcoming Annual Conference, which includes both in-person and virtual pro bono clinics; everyone is encouraged to sign up and make a difference.
A Peek Inside the Spring 2023 Edition of the AILA Law Journal
AILA Law Journal Editor-in-Chief Cyrus Mehta gives a look inside the Spring 2023 edition with articles from leading experts and next-generation leaders, writing that “Immigration law's complexities and nuances mean many of us as practitioners feel like we are on the cutting edge every day.
Practicing Law in TV Land
AILA member Tony Drago describes the impact of using video rather than in-person hearings, writing that while “In 2022, EOIR issued guidance to immigration judges on the use of virtual hearings, but far more clear guidance and standards are needed to ensure fairness.“
Aisle Five and Proud: The Diversity of the United States
AILA DEI Law Student Scholarship winner Maria Montenegro-Bernardo shares her story as a Venezuelan immigrant and urges all of us to embrace the diversity around us, because by doing so we will encourage innovation and advancement.
Here We Go Again! Expedited Roll Out of New PERM Application Could Make Already Complicated Process Worse
AILA member Vaman Kidambi describes the challenges AILA members and others have shared about the expedited roll-out of the new PERM application form, and urges the Department of Labor to slow the roll-out in order to address valid concerns.
The Bill Left by Title 42 is Due. With Interest.
Amy Grenier explains how the use of Title 42 to effectively end asylum at the southern border allowed two administrations to essentially put border management on a bureaucratic credit card, allowing Congress to ignore its obligations to pass real, holistic and meaningful reform.
Looking into the Crystal Ball: What Do We Expect With the End of Title 42?
Amy Grenier, Jennifer Whitlock, and Taylor Levy share their insights into what the end of Title 42 is expected to bring, urging the Biden administration to protect vulnerable asylum seekers by ensuring meaningful access to asylum and legal counsel under both international and national asylum law.
Impact of U.S. Immigration Policy on Indigenous Peoples and Tribes
AILA DEI Scholarship winner Alejandro Alvarado describes how U.S. immigration policy affects Indian Tribes and Indigenous Peoples, particularly “indigenous mobility, family separation, and border security.“
The Impact of Immigration Attorneys on the Big Screen: “LAS ABOGADAS”
AILA member Careen Shannon writes about her role as executive producer of the new Las Abogadas documentary, writing that she hopes the film is “a new way to educate people about our country's fractured immigration system, while simultaneously sharing some stories of hope and redemption.“
Celebrating AILA’s Volunteers and Their Impact
In this blog post, AILA Associate Director of Volunteer Engagement Jerrica Stovall shares why AILA volunteers make such a difference for the organization and highlights the appreciation all of AILA has for the time and energy AILA member volunteers give AILA.
Finding My Balance During Ramadan
AILA member Hudaidah Bhimdi shares insights into the meaning of the month of Ramadan to her as a busy immigration attorney, and how this month of reflection and joy helps her find balance as she works to help her clients access justice.
DACA Recipients Stuck Picking Up Crumbs Left by the DREAM Act’s Failure
AILA DEI Scholarship winner Brenda Quintanilla delineates the history and impact of DACA and efforts to pass the DREAM Act, urging advocates to continue pushing Congress to pass legislation, writing “America has a gambling problem and undocumented/DACAmented people are treated like poker chips.̶
The Safe Third Country Agreement Should Be Ended, not Expanded
AILA Asylum and Protection Committee member Randall Chamberlain highlights the harm the recent renewal of the U.S - Canada “Safe Third Country Agreement“ will cause, writing “the expanded treaty will force thousands of refugees underground and…lead to many more deaths of people fleeing f